The Digital HUB in partnership with the CFA Society of Minnesota and the CFA Society of Cleveland held an on-line and in person event with a wide range of financial professionals including portfolio managers, CIOs, quantitative and qualitative analysts, managers, and academia. Attendees feedback was supportive of the agenda and the practical hands-on demonstrations. Video recording of the event can be accessed here.

The Digital HUB in partnership with the BlueSteps, the AESC’s services for the executives, presented a webinar on how executives can capitalize on AI's disruptive power. We discussed how the executives can leverage AI to elevate their career. Learn more here.

Disruptive forces of AI will impact every industry…including yours! According to a recent study, by 2030, the accelerated impact of AI and automation will produce net gains in STEM and healthcare while net decrease in production, food, office support, etc. To address the big transition, the Digital HUB in partnership with the Association of Executive Search Companies (AESC) held an event attended by a large community of executives. Learn more here.